Final Fair Push

We are entering the final month before we start participating in the fair shows. Here is a checklist of things to ensure you are doing and have planned for the next month:

  1. Will the pig reach the set goal weight?

  2. Have you planned your final deworming?

  3. Are we walking the pigs for up to one hour total each day?

  4. Have you researched if or how you plan to clip the pigs for the fair? (Clipping should start a week before the fair.)

  5. In this final month, is there anything I can change in the feed pattern to help my pig fill in or better express certain areas of their body? If so, start as soon as possible.

  6. As we enter the dog days of summer and the heat intensifies, does my pig have enough shade and cool spots to stay comfortable?

  7. Start thinking about trailer training the pigs to load and unload smoothly, so you won't have any issues on the day of moving in for the fair.


Mid-Season Check-In: Planning Your Show Pigs' Finish Strategies